A prominent name in India's real estate business, Prestige Estates Projects Limited has recently been upgraded to a DA1+ Developer Rating by CRISIL. DA1 is the highest rating assigned to a real estate developer.
CRISIL is India's foremost Ratings, Research, Risk and Policy Advisory company. The rating denotes CRISIL's opinion of the developer's ability to execute developments as per the stipulated quality levels and time schedule, its financial stability and its ability to transfer a clear and marketable title. CRISIL has a practice of keeping all its ratings under surveillance. Important factors for assessing the developer's organizational and financial risk include its quality systems, corporate structure, existing financial position and flexibility, management evaluation and strategies on accepting and executing real estate developments.
CRISIL has a practice of keeping all its ratings under surveillance. Ratings are revised as and when circumstances so warrant. Important factors considered for assessing the entity's organizational and financial risk include the extent of structured quality systems, corporate structure, existing financial position and flexibility, management evaluation and strategies on accepting and executing real estate developments.
Prestige is the first among Bangalore builders to have received a DA1+ rating from CIRISIL. The rating is based on the company's below mentioned strengths:
Excellent track record in Bangalore real estate development Experienced and professional management Strong customer focus and marketing strategies Strong development and project execution capabilities Comfortable financial position & financial flexibility
Furthermore, Prestige's ISO 9001 certification ensures standardisation of processes and maintenance of quality standards in its properties in Bangalore and elsewhere. So, whether it is a decision to buy a home or that of a commercial property investment in Bangalore or otherwise, Prestige is one name you can trust unquestioningly CRISIL believes that with a sustained effort, Prestige can uphold its ambitious growth plans in Bangalore residential properties as well as in commercial property investment. As a result, Prestige has effectively begun efforts to upgrade its systems and capacities through implementation of its ERP package and introduction of the latest construction technologies such as the Mivan Shuttering, which allows assembly line productivity in the construction of high rise and large-scale developments.